welcome to band wagon zine

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Thursday 28 March 2013

Ask Auntie

Ask Auntie.
Alvina de Whit has been a long serving member of the Scone NSW branch of the CWA since she was married off to the then Mayor’s son Kelvin de Whit in 1948 in what locals still remember as the best arranged marriage they’ve ever seen. In this column she shares her no nonsense approach to good cooking.

Dear AA,
I find that when I drink milk in milkshakes I feel ‘bloated’ afterwards, am I Lactose Intolerant?
Cheyenne Le Cornu, Coolangatta

AA, No, you’ve just got wind. Harden up.

Dear AA,
My pies sag in the middle, what am I doing wrong?
Bruce Aberfeldy, Acton Park

AA: Don’t be so stingy with the filling.

Dear AA,
Is Nutella a healthy sandwich spread for kids?
Carolyn Quigley, Subiaco

AA: Are you a moron or what?

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