welcome to band wagon zine

if its about food, booze, eating or drinking from a lateral perspective, we're in.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Try this at home

Hi Bandwagon, whilst in Rio de Janeiro a few months ago I had some of the most incredible rat-embryo donuts from a street vendor, could you persuade the vendor to give up his recipe please? Lyndon Bradley, Gawler.

Hi Lyndon,
We tracked him down but it was a challenge! Do you know how many men’s hostels there are in the Favela?! Here it is. regards the Bandwagon team

3 cups flour
1 palm sugar
500ml Coke
20g sock yeast
1 cup palm oil
8 to 10 embryos cut up

Mix everything together but save the embryos for the topping. Let it prove in the Favela under barbed wire(so no one steals it) Portion into balls before pushing the portioned embryos into them and fry until golden, dust with sugar or cornflour, whatever’s cheaper.

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